Ever since I was 4 years old, pushing my Barney & Baby Bop in a stroller screaming “I WANT TO BE A CEO AND MOTIVATIONAL SPEAKER!” I knew I was meant to do big things. Fortunately, I grew up in a crazy, loud-mouth, meatball-loving Italian family who taught me the value of loyalty, hard work, and chasing after your dreams, so that’s exactly what I did. I dove head-first into building the life I’ve always wanted to live: inspiring people from the stage.

Speaking is truly my GUS-given gift (God Universe Spirit). Have you ever seen the Disney movie Soul where they get a patch of what their gift will be when they jump to Earth? My patch is a microphone. My devotion to the stage has empowered me to truly master my craft over the years, and I feel like I’m only just getting started. 

My journey has taken me to some really cool places, including becoming the first-ever DJing Speaker. Yes, you heard that right! I speak and DJ at the same time to create a magical, unforgettable experience.

I’m so excited to join forces, make absolute magic, and play in new possibilities together. To the moons and stars we go. 



My mission is to show people new possibilities and help them remember the magic they already have inside. ✨


🎤 International Speaker and TEDx Speaker

🚀 10-year expert in thought leadership, marketing, communication, and culture

🔮 Creator of the proprietary approach The M.A.G.I.C. Method

🔥 Worked with 200+ industry-leading organizations across a wide array of industries

✨ Worked for notable brands including TED, Ernst & Young, and Blackstone’s Launchpad

🌎 10-time host of the Thought Leadership Summit, a global gathering of leaders creating ripple effects of change in the world

🎧 First-ever DJing Speaker

“Every business needs a thought leader.” – Alexandria Agresta

🔮 See the Magic. Look for the gift life is giving us in every moment, even during the hard times.

🌱 Come from the Field. Go beyond right and wrong to the Field of Possibility, a magical place where we step out of judgment and into curiosity.

🕊 Turn Towards Truth. Say the hard thing, do the hard thing, and sit at the table, especially when it feels tense and uncomfortable.

💜 Take Radical Responsibility. Be the owner of our thoughts, feelings, and actions choosing to look inward instead of pointing blame outward.

🌊 Go to the Depths. Explore the deeper layers of life and ask questions that allow us to go on an intellectual journey of expansion.

🎉 Do the Thing Anyway. Even if we can’t see the path ahead, do what feels true in your heart with boldness and courage.

✨ Spread Your Sparkle. Be YOU (because everybody else is taken) and radiate your light with the world.

🕺🏼 Treat Life Like a Dance Party. Have flipping fun, move our bodies, and do things that make us feel ALIVE.



1. I’ve been to 200+ concerts & music festivals and keep all of my tickets in a keepsake box.

2. My favorite breakfast food is cold pizza. 2a. I prefer cold pizza over hot pizza.

3. I can quote the entire Finding Nemo movie. HE TOUCHED THE BUTTTTT

4. If I could bring back anyone from the dead and hang with them, it would be Steve Jobs and Martin Luther King Jr.

5. I have a weird fascination with twins, and wanted to be a twin so bad when I was little. In 4th grade, I convinced a girl I was a twin by showing her 2 different pictures of me. She believed me.

6. I named my first dog Peaches. Yes, I really love the fruit peaches.

7. I love Squishmallows!!

8. I'm a Manifesting Generator 1/3, Enneagram 8w7, and Pisces Sun, Gemini Moon, and Aries Rising if you’re into all that fun stuff.

9. I eat sushi and drink Peach Snapple an absurd amount. Refer back to #6 for my clear obsession with peaches.

10. When I love a new song, I listen to it 48256 times on repeat.

Bonus nugget… I think you’re awesome. 🥰

Ready FOR Alexandria to rock your stage?